Branxholme Gundogs

           We teach YOU to teach YOUR dog!


38 entries on 4 pages
Alistair Mackay
17/10/24 16:27:07
Well, I had the strangest experience in Gundog Training of the last 25 years recently. A lady wrung me on the Saturday from Penicuik and asked if she could book her spaniel in for a lesson...a further 10 minutes ensued whereby she discussed the form of the training that I could offer as she had had a couple of lessons from another trainer in the Borders that she wasn't all that impressed with... ..No problem with that, but she could have been forthcoming with a wee bit more information on the 'issues' that the dog had.
On the Sunday morning she arrived and again we had a chat before I asked her to get her dog out the back of her car....and then! OMG...I was then informed that the dog would bark constantly when it got out the car and that it didn't like males more to the point! What the h-ll was I expected to do I asked myself and then to the lady in question. I then tried various things for a further 10 minutes but to no avail. After the loud barking in that time I was getting concerned for the noise (and my neighbours might have been in Cornwall it was that bad). It snarled when I took my hand out of my pocket so that was the game changer.
Anyway I had to admit defeat and declare that sorry, I can't help you and that your poor dog has major issues that needed to be addressed by a Dog Behaviourist. I asked her to let me know what the result of any further consultations she may have in the future.

The point I am making is that if this lady had been truthful with our initial conversation I could have saved her a one and a half journey in her car and thirty quids worth of diesel ! and whats more, about an hour of my time as well. Don't ask if I was offered anything for my time and advice!... it would have been declined in any case.
JACK Badshot
14/10/24 12:37:19
Thank you once again for another enjoyable lesson. Anyone that shoots with a dog should experience the company of Alistair at Branxholme Gundogs for an hour before the start of the shooting season. This is the 3rd year I have visited with Marky my 5 year old Labrador. I can rest assured that even after a bad day with the gun (and they seem to be more common these days) I know that I will not have embarrassed myself with the behaviour of my dog on that day. And you know what!... I think that pleases me more. See you next year Alistair.
Mary Deas
05/10/24 15:04:19
Thank you Alistair for arranging our lesson at short notice. Harla has really been enjoying her new games and tasks. After just a few days the waljing experienxe imoroved ten fold. I would never have believed how much the palm of my hand could have changed my little minx into the little goody 2 shoes that she now is. I only hope that it's not a temporary change!.. We will be back in 6 weeks as you suggested. It was nice of Alistair to suggest 6 weeks instead of the 3 weeks that we wanted to come back!...He is definitely considerate of my pounds rather than his own. 5 Stars for Branxholme Gundogs.
Kerry Cringan
02/10/24 20:39:36
Loved our lesson yesterday. The guidance from Alistair was invaluable. Walked around two fields today with the pup to heel for the first time - didn’t get yanked into a hedgerow once! Great to have confirmation we’re on the right track. Would recommend Alistair in a heartbeat.
Finlay Barker
22/09/24 17:04:11
Had our first session today with Alistair and my springer puppy , Alistair explained everything thoroughly he didn’t just rush through everything quickly ,we have took a lot away from the session and looking forward to the next one , thanks again
Laurie Cunningham
22/09/24 14:00:42
I'm not one for posting reviews most of the time but I'm making an exception in writing this.
I have a 10 month old sprocker who it seems has taken on a new identity in the past 4 weeks.
What have I done to Bracken to justify the change in his personality I ask myself ! The answer it seems is nothing as far as Alistair is concerned. Bracken it turns out is your typical sprocker. After just 3 weeks of putting into practice what Alistair preached it looks like I'm getting my old dog back, thanks be to whatever god you abide by. My confidence has grown to the extent that I'm even contemplating getting another dog to give Bracken a companion. I must be stupid!...Thanks again Branxholme Gundogs.
John Rachel
21/09/24 13:48:14
My husband and I have just had an 'Intro' lesson from Alistair wirh our 15 week old springer, Bertie. Having already sampled a group training session for puppies in our local hall I would have to endorse the one2one route as the better option. From working with the lead and recall aspects we quickly saw an improvement even during the lesson. Alistair was able to reassure us with some of our worries which really didn't need to be addressed at this time with Bertie.
Since the lesson we are enjoying Bertie's development, now that we have the confidence that Alistair instilled in us. Hopefully we have soaked in all the knowledge that we gained in the hours lesson, although it lasted well over the hour!, and we look forward to our next lesson probably in 6 to 8 weeks by Alistair's reckoning. Thanks again, John and Rachel, and not forgetting Bertie.
Ally Granger
04/09/24 15:27:57
just been to Alistair with our 15 week old sprocker who was sending us crazy.

Even after just a day the change is gimmicks just sound advice. Will go back for more instruction after 4 weeks. Thank you Alistair . definitely recommend . Ally
Alistair Mackay
21/05/24 12:58:50
wow, just read review head can't get through kitchen door ..I'm stuck here for eternity! thanks again Elaine. Loved little Pep! easy to train. a little star in the making.
Elaine Kerr
21/05/24 10:12:58
I don’t usually post reviews but this one is very well deserved. I contacted Alistair about my four month old red fox Lab named Pep. He came from a good chain of working dogs and my plan is to work pep as a retriever. Alistair was absolutely superb. I spent just over an hour with him and it was truly fascinating listening to him and learning from his experience. Already it has made a difference to my dog. Alistair was supportive, friendly and clearly has experience in abundance. My plan is to revisit Alistair when pep is a few months older to go over more technical bits of retrieving. But what he taught Pep and I yesterday will change our lives and make the experience so much more fun for both of us. If you are thinking about using a dog trainer - stop looking - Alistair is your man. I simply couldn’t rate him any higher. 10/10. He’s made a friend for life in Pep.
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